Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Royal Way to Announce Your Engagement

Looking for a cute way to announce your recent engagement? How about inviting close friends and relatives to an afternoon or evening a "royal tea party"?

Make cute invitations by embellishing a little girl's dress up shoe purchased at the dollar or variety store. Print up the time, date, & place on some regal looking computer paper then print it off. Roll it up and tie a beautiful fancy ribbon around the invitation. Tuck it inside the "glass slipper". Hand deliver your invites by having a little sister, friend, or relative dress up, deliver each glass slipper on a pillow and hand it to the guest.

You can say something like,"Your royal presence is requested at a royal tea party for (the name of the bride to be)"she has found her prince charming and wishes to share her good news with you!
Castle: Your address
Royal Time: The time
No gifts please. Just come and enjoy a royal affair of visiting and refreshments.

Delightful Menu
  • Serve gourmet pink and yellow lemonade bottled in pop bottles.
Take the top off the bottles and then stick a straw inside each with a lemon slice on top of the straw and inside the top of the straw stick an opened small parasol. (Glam up the little parasol with some sequins, lace, ribbon, or beads.)

  • Serve a variety of light cookies such as sugar cookies in the shape of wedding cakes, lemon squares, mini cupcakes or muffins, and long pretzel sticks dipped in white chocolate with pink sprinkles on it.

Make your announcement, answer questions about when, where, and who, etc... then everyone can visit and enjoy their refreshments. Have a designated photographer or a couple so you can scrapbook this special event celebrating this time in your life!

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