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If you are looking for a cute shirt but don't have much money to buy something new, go look in your closet. This is such a great change with a few simple steps, you may have a new shirt in no time and all it will cost you is a little time!
Maybe you need a shirt to wear on your honeymoon trip or to wear to a bridal shower. Whatever the occasion, here is a great way to get a new look without paying mall prices!
Disney's Ruffled Stuff blog gives you step by step instructions! She is sooo talented!
Who would of thought you could turn sleeves into ruffles! Very creative! The shirt she started with was cute but the ruffles make it adorable! See what possible fashion is hiding in your closet! It's always rewarding to be able to use what you have and "refashion" it into something better!

So you've taken all the engagement photos. Your wedding invitations are done, this one by the way was beautifully done by Jennifer Lanier .
Now when do you start addressing them and sending them out?Ideally you should send them out 6 weeks before the wedding. This gives your guests adequate time to make travel arrangements and arrange their schedules so they can attend. Request that they RSVP three weeks before the wedding date. That will help know how many people will be attending your wedding event.Helpful hint, keep in mind when you design your wedding invitations that you they reflect a little of your personality. Enlist the help of family and friends when addressing the envelopes. Put your addresses on 3x5 cards and keep them in a small card file box. You will need these for thank you notes and for sending out Christmas cards!Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend!

Candles never go out of style no matter what time of year. Elizabeth Anne Designs offers lots of beautiful ideas for tablescapes such as these candle and lantern decorated wedding tables. (The pink candlescape was designed by Alexan Events and photographer was Jared Wilson.)
With the advent of fall, more and more wedding decor will include beautiful lanterns. They come in whispy white or wrought iron black. (Lantern photos by Marie Labbancz and featured on Evantine Events.) If your wedding group will be meeting outside, you can light real candles for a soft romantic look to your wedding tables.
Those who have their wedding event indoors can have the look of real candles without the mess. There are many options for putting battery operated candles inside the lantern. Whatever you choose for your tablescape, either will provide the ambience you are trying to achieve if displayed thoughtfully.
Once you purchase your wedding dress, how do you take care of it? Especially if you want to keep it and pass it on to other family members or just to have as a keepsake. Here are a few simple tips for taking care of your special dress.
*Have it dry cleaned by a company that specializes in wedding dresses. Ask others and check around before you choose a dry cleaner to get the best result.
*Put acid free tissue paper inside the dress.
*Put the dress in an acid free corrugated box. To be extra safe, you could put your gown in a acid free bag and then package it in the box. That would give it added protection from light and dust.
*Don't store your dress in an area of your home where it is damp or the temperature changes. It is best if you can keep it where the temperature will stay stable not too hot and not too cold such as under your bed.
*Every so often, take the dress out and check it for any problems that might be developing.
*Check with the company you buy the dress from and ask them what special directions they might have for caring for your dress.
Good luck!

Want fun wedding or bridal shower decor that won't break the bank? Why not try your hand at pom poms! You could use these for any time of year in your wedding decorations. Not hard to tackle, Martha Stewart has great how to's explaining how to create these.You have the freedom to use bright solid colors of tissue paper or patterned tissue. For winter or Christmas weddings, fashion pom poms out of white tissue and hang with paper snowflakes, and chinese lanterns.
The pom pom napkin ring holders are adorable and would add a nice designer touch to any wedding table. While very simple, these pom poms can look fun and elegant at the same time!

Over at Ashley Ann Photography, you will find the most amazing do it yourself daybed! It doesn't take a whole lot to put together...elbow grease and a little creativity. Don't be afraid to use creativity when putting your new home together. Need a bed once you get married? Try something like this. Many couples are short on money when they tie the knot and in today's economy who doesn't want to save on furniture items you have to have.
Too many couples rush out and buy furniture going into debt or they find out later it's not really what they wanted. Make your cute tiny apartment speak volumes about your style and make a bed like this. Perhaps the expanded version or turn this into couch!

Take a look at these wedding ideas spotlighted on Snippet and Ink.
The bride enlisted a lot of help from family members to do it herself! Boxwood wreaths adorned with a simple white ribbon bow. Handmade birds were made out of the bride's grandmother's wedding dress. They make a whimsical cake topper on the wedding cake.
Love the lighted lanterns strung on strings of lights and the moss covered flower pot favors with herbs designating escort cards. It's your special day why not put your signature on it by being creative. If you take the time to plan ahead, you can come up with little touches that will make your wedding day memorable.
It's up to you how involved you want to get. You can do a little or a lot when it comes to decorating and serving your guests. Certainly make sure you don't overwhelm yourself but don't hesitate to ask friends and family to get involved if you want to put your own personal touch on your wedding day!

A honeymoon trip to Vienna, Austria would be a dream come true! This is a beautiful place for the two of you to getaway and explore. With lots to do and romantic sites to visit, you will be charmed by your surroundings and the ambiance Vienna has to offer.
Transportation is no problem in this timeless city. Catch the tram on the Ring Strasse and glide gracefully all around the ring. Get off at the various stops to tour each place you want to see. Catch the Spanish Riding School with its gorgeous well trained Lipizzaner horses. Stroll through the Hapsburg Palace and Kunsthistoriches Museum (filled to the brim with beautiful artwork). Tour Mozart's home, take in an opera at the Vienna Opera House. The list goes on and on.
Check out the giant ferris wheel in the Prater area, swimming, and a Lilliputian Railroad and an amusement park. Sample delicious Eis or ice cream.
There are many choices for eating. Charming outdoor cafes, sandwich shops, desserts to die for and the fancier restaurants. There are plenty of romantic places to picnic if you just want to pick up yogurt, cheese, and sandwiches.
Shop around online for the best airfare deals. Find a bed and breakfast or apartment to rent if you plan to stay for very long. All the major travel sites and travel experts will have excellent ideas for saving money and places to check out in Vienna. Also learn a few German survival and etiquette phrases. This can go along ways if you show that you took the time to learn them!
If you research hard enough, you should be able to plan an unforgettable honeymoon that is also reasonable. Gute Reise!
(Photos courtesy of
What is a bridezilla you may ask? A bride gone crazy, over the top, with her wedding plans! Wedding planning is hectic enough without a bride coming all unglued with vendors, fiancee,family and friends.
So that this doesn't happen to you, stop and think about what matters to you most. Is it the people you love or your wedding plans? Throw the word perfect out the window. Your plans may have glitches, things may fall through or you may have to change and redo some of your wedding plans. That's ok! Be flexible! Your day can still be memorable!
When you go out with your finance, some evenings don't mention anything about the wedding plans. Remember it's not just your wedding. It's his too! Make sure your finance feels more important than that he show up for the wedding to fit into your plans. Cross out yours and insert ours!
What will you really remember about that day? Ask your grandparents or someone you know and respect about their wedding day. What stood out the most? It's highly doubtful they will say the centerpieces no matter how amazing they are! Make this time enjoyable for both of you. Hopefully this is the beginning of forever for the two of you. Make it the best of times and continue to build on that foundation. From here to eternity!
If you want lots of fun ideas for wedding decor, you will want to visit Project Wedding.
You could spend hours on their site and enjoy every minute of it! They came up with a really cute and simple idea for decorating your chairs for your wedding dinner, brunch, or reception.All you need is some fabric, ribbon and scissors. It's that simple. Put a slash through the sewing because on top of the unique design there is no sewing! You can read the step by step directions on the short tutorial.
Use your imagination and adapt this idea according to your wedding colors. Try substituting bridal tulle for the ribbon. (It comes in many different colors!) If you are a "do it yourselfer" this may be a great project for you, your bridesmaids, family, friends anyone who has offered to help with your wedding or reception!

Looking for a way to travel on your honeymoon? Wanting to travel to a special destination but not sure you can afford to fly? Jet Blue is running a sale on their airfare right now.
Air travel not only gets you there faster, but you can save time and let's face it gas is not cheap! You can sit back and relax and enjoy the extra time you have with each other! Let someone else do the driving (or so to speak!)
Pack your bags and start planning that romantic getaway today! As you navigate around the jet blue site you can find the destinations from coast to coast they fly to. They also have romantic vacation ideas. Happy Honeymoon!
The ladies over at Lolliblog spotlighted these lovely tulips sold in bags. These would make a lovely gift for any time of year or could serve as a nice wedding decor accent.
You could use these on your wedding tables or give a smaller version to wedding guests as a wedding favor. Simple elegance would describe these paper vases. In a time when everyone is green conscious, you could do a lot with these paper bagged tulips.
For example buy a square of the fake green moss then set one (or more of these bags on top of it). Tie an elegant contrasting ribbon around the bag.
If you are looking for a special gift to give those who help with your wedding day, consider giving them flowers such as these. They can plant the flowers and remember your kindness and your wedding day long after it is over.

Once you tie the knot, it is important to keep your marriage alive. There are lots of inexpensive and creative ways to do this. Found this cute idea on The Dating Divas blog for a spa night for the two of you!
With a few items you can create a relaxing and romantic atmosphere for the love of your life! No need to spend a lot of money and you can spa in the comfort of your own home.
Your spa kit can include the following (or some items of your own):
Bubble Bath
Relaxing Lotion
Back Massager
Bath Sponge
Tea Lights
Set aside time for your hubby and make him feel like he is the center of your world as you prepare and surprise him with your spa night!

This is an idea for a wedding gift that you could really give any time of year! What about Christmas stockings for the bride and groom . You could also add other Christmas decorations.
Newly married couples don't usually think about Christmas when they marry. If their budgets are tight when tie the knot, a Christmas wreath, Christmas stockings, and Christmas ornaments would be greatly appreciated.
You could purchase these items or plan ahead and make them yourself! There are a lot of ideas online for making Christmas decorations. Your special gifts will be remembered for years to come.