You can send a decorative paper type "save the date" or you can create a "save the date" that shows personality and lots of creative style. Think about where you are getting married. You could design a save the date that has something to do with the place or city where you will be married.
Will your wedding be fancy or casual, western style or more formal? What time of year is your wedding going to be? Spring, winter, something around the time of year.
One "save the date" I heard about that would surely get noticed is to put a picture of you and your fiancee in a snowglobe. You could send your guests a homemade wedding shaped sugar cookie and tell them it would be sweet if they would save the date and attend your wedding. If you will be doing western style decor, you could send a bandana with a howdy partner and the details written on the bandana or an invite wrapped in the bandana. If you will be married in a warmer climate, write the save the date info on a beach ball and send it in the mail. Then invite your guests to blow up the ball so they can see the info on it.
Have fun with it! Once you start the creative juices flowing there's no end to the fun ways you can wow your guests and get them to "save the date".