With the advent of Spring, nests are a perfect decor accent for weddings! Nests are actually really hot in home decor right now so why not use them for wedding decor?
Craft stores, garden nurseries, and home decor stores offer a variety of nests to choose from. You can display them on branches that you have gathered from your yard or a neighbor's. I love to decorate with twigs and branches. This time of year many people are pruning their trees and bushes. So you should be able to find plenty of twigs to decorate wedding tables with.
Birdhouses and little artificial birds lend themselves to great decor accents as well. Use vintage plates bought at a second hand store to display a nest or nests nestled in a long branch of a tree sitting in the middle of your table. Spray the branch or twig white if you like. Au natural is fine too.
Battery operated candles or real candles can also add some romantic sparkle to your table display. Glass apothecary jars provide a beautiful way to display a nest. Put some green moss in the bottom, set a nest on top of the moss and tie a wide ribbon around the jar. (Add some artificial birds on the nest if you like.) Put twigs underneath the jar for added decor appeal.
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